Everyone is welcome to participate on our site. Forum registration is free of charge. Please feel free to make this YOUR website. We would like everyone to express themselves and network with each other, both on a personal and professional level.

- Relationships
- Connect with those who have crossed
- Able to read Past, Present, and Future
- Previous lifetimes
- Soul Development and Spiritual Life Coaching
- Corporate and Small Business consultations
- Missing persons and Law Enforcement Services
- Health Intuitive
- Online Retail Store
30 min.150.00
1 hr 200.00
6 1hr sessions 1,000.00
Corporate Consulting 2,500.00 per Month Unlimited
- Visa or Mastercard only.
- Sessions must be pre-paid
- No refunds
- 24-hour cancellation notice
- Telephone sessions, and in-person sessions by appointment only.
- This service is for direction and guidance only. Customers must take responsibility for their own choices in life
To Book an appointment please call 949-200-7108 or Click Here